Your Support

Support local art.
Spark endless creativity.
Donate today to keep art alive in Placer County. Your donation goes to support Placer County artists, arts organizations, and the great work of the Arts Council of Placer County! Big or small, your contribution makes a colorful difference—and yes, it’s 100% tax-deductible.
Join us in spreading creativity across Placer County!
Give a little, create a lot—support Placer County’s artists today! ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
Federal ID #94-2888558
Contact ACPC’s Executive Director
to get more information about contributing.
Want to Donate Offline? Mail A Check To:
Arts Council of Placer County (ACPC)
P.O. Box 1267, Rocklin, CA 95677
Your donation paints a brighter future for Placer County arts.

Support Placer County Art
Read about 10 creative ways for YOU to support the arts in Placer County. All donations go directly towards the Community Arts Grants and County-wide arts programs, and art tax-deductible, as are payments for services.

About The
Arts Grants
Each year, ACPC awards grants to support the arts and cultural activities of artists and community organizations in service to residents and visitors of Placer County. These activities increase the value of the arts as an integral part of the community and make the arts accessible to all.

Legacy Giving Fund
In 2020, the Arts Council of Placer County Endowment Fund was seeded through a gift made lovingly by a bequest from Anu Vuorikoski. ACPC is seeking support from the community to help grow this fund with similar gifts made through Placer Community Foundation.
ACPC Donors
Special thanks to our supporters who have donated to the ACPC Community Arts Regranting program. 100% of your donations go towards this program and no administrative fees are charged.