Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6)

The Arts Council of Placer County is proud to be a part of the Arts & Economic Prosperity 6.

Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6)

The Arts Council of Placer County is proud to be a part of the AEP6, the most comprehensive economic impact study of the nonprofit arts and culture industry ever conducted in the United States. Administered by Americans for the Arts approximately every five years, AEP6 examines the economic impact of the non-profit arts and culture industry in Placer County, Sacramento County, and more than 400 communities across the country.

Arts & Culture Builds Jobs and the Economy

Arts and culture supports jobs, generates revenue for
local businesses, and provides authentic cultural
experiences that strengthen tourism.

Read the National & County Reports below!
Click Here to download AEP6 Resources >

Arts and culture build stronger communities.

Placer County nonprofit arts and culture industry generated $26.1 million in economic activity, and supported 436 jobs in 2022. Our nonprofit arts and culture organizations are businesses. They employ people locally, purchase supplies and services from nearby businesses, and engage in the marketing and promotion of our region.

Arts and culture strengthen the visitor economy.

26.2% of attendees are nonlocal visitors from outside Placer County and spend an average of $53.28.
77.2% of nonlocal attendees reported the primary purpose of their visit was specifically to attend the arts event.

Please send any suggestions or questions to Darci Frank.

Randy Cohen from Americans for the Arts

Watch and share the recording or the dynamic presentation by Randy Cohen

You’ll learn how Arts & Culture Builds Economic Growth in Placer County, across the country and how to utilize this knowledge to build more support for the arts.

10 reasons to support Placer County Art

Read about 10 creative ways for YOU to support the arts in Placer County. All donations go directly towards the Community Arts Grants and County-wide arts programs, and are tax-deductible, as are payments for services.